What is «ECHO»
There are 2132 works of our pupils on the side!
Saint Petersburg Children art studio “ECHO” (ecological artistic education) was set up in 1992 year.
Many years of work with children, together with a strong desire to help them, encouraged Vitalyi Tsiliakus to conceive this unique programme for creative education and child development. The idea came from THE ECOLOGY OF THE HUMAN SOUL and its main aim is to recognize and develop all the special qualities and characteristics with which Mother Nature has endewed her children.
Helping children understand that every human being is a unique and irreplaceable creature and showing them their position in relation to the universe. Another aim of the studio is to produce strong, powerful and at the same time pure people.
The studio is situated in the Moscow district of St. Petersburg. Any child from the age of 7 to 16 who likes drawing and painting can attend. Children study composition, graphics, painting, art history and cultural history of the world.
Mrs. Evgenia Tarantul is in charge of classes in ceramics, paper plastic and also preparatory courses.
The teachers put special emphasis on art therapy. The children’s main task is not to simply copy the subjects, but first to listen to themselves and only then, give their inner impressions. The children are encouraged to express their dreams and ideas through two and three dimensional art. The teachers help to develop the children’s imaginations, attention spans and associative perception.
During walks with the teachers the children are taught to recognize the harmony of nature and to be perceptive to its music. These experiences culminate in compositions devoted to the seasons: “The music of autumn”, “The music of spring”, “The music of summer”, “The music of winter”.
Music occupies a very special place in the creative process. It brings a certain atmosphere to the classes helping to widen the children’s of their surroundings.
Having listened to the works of Bach, Gendel, Vivaldy, Mozart, Rimskyi-Korsakov, Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Sen-Sans, Tshaikovsky, Penderetskyi the children use their impressions of this music to influence their own compositions.
The students also take inspiration from literature. They study myths and legends about different peoples of the world as well as the best examples of Russian and world literature. Through this study of world customs and traditions the children learn to appreciate the natural world.
Again the children used these experiences to develop compositions such as: “Folk Stories of the world”, “Song of Gamajun Bird”, “Andrew the first invited and St. Petersburg”, “The event - Christmas”, “Poetry of A.S.Pushkin”, “The life and death of a poet” and so on.
The absence of “Star Pupils” allows individuality and encourages a more relaxed constructive atmosphere eliminating barriers and allowing development of the child’s soul.
In the senior classes the theme of the human becomes more important. It develops from the music of nature to the music and development of the human soul.
The children are the authers of more than 1000 wonderful works. The teachers have organized more then 180 exhibitions both in St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia as well as abroad. Wherever these exhibitions are organized they are always a success. Here we can give examples of only the most popular ones: in the Central Exhibition Hall «Manezh», Russian Ethnographic Museum, Mariinski theatre. Academic Kapella, Press Centre on Good-will Games, Children Philarmony. Dostoevsky Museum, the Gallery of Fund of a Free Russian Moden Art, «Chainy Domik» in the Summer Garden, the center «a Rose of the World». House of the Composers, Large Hall of Philharmonic society, Pushkin museum, Ahmatova museum, museum N. Roerichs in Izvara, House of Friendship on the Fontanka river, Planetarium, Publishing house “Licey”, University named after Gertsen, Soros Fund, Higher teacher – training college, in the town: Kirov, Petrozavodsk, museum Belvew in Seattle (USA), gallery «T» in Tallinn (Estonia), in Kolmar (France), Franklin Mint museum in Philadelphia (USA). International center - museum of the N. Roerichs in Moscow. In Finland: Helsinki, Turku, Imatra. In India: New Delhi, Naggar, Kullu Valley, -International Roerich Memorial Trust.
The studio also participated in many exhibitions of children’s creativity in St. Petersburg, Moscow and abroad including Atlanta (USA), the city of Kolmar (France) – at the invitation of Mr. Spivakov V., in London – exhibition “Music and colours”, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the House of the Government of the RF, the Central House of the Artist in the international exhibition in 2002, exhibition “Russia in Russia” – Constellation of Future in the concert hall “Russia”, the museum of Scryabin in Moscow.
«Echo» is a unique children's studio. For many years it has been taking part in numerous children's art exhibitions. It has been known as an original, active, successful and creative association.
Its organizer and leader is Mr. Tsyliakus Vitali with 30 years length service. He has developed an absolutely new pedagogical conception of Ecological Art Education of children. Mr. Tsyliakus together with E. Tarantui are constantly improving the program according to following principles:
«Program of the «Echo» tries to keep the natural individual abilities of a child, to mature its emotion and emotional stability and to develop attention, imagination, unordinary approach in problem solving, integrated view on the world in its modem dynamics, esthetic education, and also the emotional perception to educate spirituality and sincerity.
It's essential to notice that the whole studio work is based on ecological principles which prepares children for creative attitude toward the environment: nature, society, culture and art.
The program is intended for children and teenagers (7 - 18 ó. old) with its further complication and expansion of creative and educational mission. Studio's special tasks is work with «difficult» teenagers. It has cultivated a new approach and some methods in order to bring students to fall-value creative work. The «Echo» strives for there mutual understanding, love and mutual trust.
The studio activity has been highly appreciated by the city art society. The promotion and the existence of the studio folly depends on support of the city and the regional authorities.
The chairman of board on children's creativity at the St. Petersburg Soyuz of Artist of Russia, Honored worker of art of Russia, professor Nekrasova-Karateeva O.L.