We express our deep thankfulness to Mr. Stewart and Ms. Lynda Resnik for holding an exhibition of the Art Studio "Echo", Saint-Petersburg - "From Russia with Love, Cherished" in the Franklin Mint Museum. We express our sincere appreciation for all your efforts in the creation of this great event.
We especially appreciate the professionalism and sympathy of Judie Ashworth, Lori O'Leary, Chris Connors, Jan Evans, Mike Fleetwood, Kate Zabriskie, Barbara Churchville, Mary Devine, Ben Portnoy, Rita Melamud and many others. We also would like to thank Bruce Newman for his favorable reference on our work. And it is Mr. Sam Fouks, whom we especially thankful for his idea to organize our exhibition in the Franklin Mint Museum and for his hospitality as well.
Thank you very much for the presents for children.
The proof of the expediency of your decision and spent sources for wonderful holding of the exhibition is 139 favorable comments from the visitors of the exhibition, citizens of the USA and other countries.
86 exhibition of "ECHO" studio
USA, Philadelphia, the Franklin Mint Museum.
The exhibition From Russia With Love "CHERISHED"
April 27-June 13.1999y.
Painting, graphic (print), ceramic, painting eggs - 265 art works.
Comments to Children about the exhibition.
1. You have all done a wonderful job. Art is such a personal expression, something which comes from the heart but art has no color until you share that special part of yourself, your soul. That's why it's so special, your "soul" is in your work. I too am an artist and I know how and what it takes to share part of yourself on paper and clay. Thank you for your gifts sharing your talents with us in America. Best wishes! Best of luck in your future endeavors. The Franklin Mint. Tim Banor. 04. 27. 99
2. Чудесная выставка молодых и талантливых художников! Добро пожаловать в Филадельфию! Мы рады видеть вашу работу и восхищаемся прекрасными и разнообразными темами. Желаем успеха, здоровья и счастья! Мила Гринберг.
3. У России прекрасное будущее, если ее дети так рисуют. Юрий Жуковский.
4. Спасибо! NY Gohubchik Lev, Tanja.
5. У Вас потрясающие работы! Вы все очень талантливы. Спасибо! Творческих успехов! Ineia Lipentskaya.
6. Дорогие художники, у Вас необыкновенно красивые работы. Большое вам спасибо! Желаю вам успехов в творчестве. Natalie.
7. Вы все самые лучшие дети в мире и самые талантливые. Ваши работы прекрасны, и композиционно, и цветом. Спасибо! Лариса Иванова из Киева (Нью-Йорк).
8. Thanks so much! Your art was one of the high spots of our vacation. Wonderful colors. Great technique. You must have a super teacher. Bob+ Eleanor Ernst.
9. Thank you, it is amazing! B. Appel.
10. Such wonderful color and imagination. Beautiful
11. I am truly impressed with the beautiful artwork of all the children. They have wonderful creative minds and talent. God bless them all. May the peace of Christ be with them.
12. Your paintings sculptures and drawings are wonderful. Stay true to yourself and craft.
13. I am amazed at the beautiful work you have done for such young children. Put Semebock.
14. Your work is beautiful and an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your work with us. Gobesta Cerr Matysik - Margioni. P. S. Please write back to us.
15. Wow! Beautiful & outstanding! Steve Pfeiffer.
16. Your work is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Cheryl Kryka Testa.
17. Your work is wonderful - we feel the emotion you convey. We really wish you could visit and we could meet you in person. Suzanne Davis.
18. Your works are outstanding and so beautiful. A tribute to your fine talents and schooling. Keep up this quality in all you do - Good Bless. DOM Marucci.
19. Incredible! How wonderful to se the spirit and dedication of students so young. Please continue to create such beauty. Bwanerman.
20. Amazing, amazing! Your works are fantastic! I was really impressed with those works: colors, structures, textures, etc. How did you get these ideas. Your works will give me great influence on my job! (I am an art director-designing advertising). Yoko.
21. I truly enjoyed seeing all your beautiful artwork. Thank you for sharing your works. May your talent and creative minds continue to grow! Christine.
22. Your artwork is a fabulous gift to the world. Thank you for sharing it with us! Marilyn Beyerl.
23. Your talent is superb. I really enjoyed gazing at our magnificent work. Thank you for allowing us to view them. Erica Huston.
24. Your style is unfathomable and almost incomprehensive in its great mystery and color. I am amazed. Lacey Madore.
25. I would love to meet the artists whose work I have seen today. The artwork amazes me. Becca Buckwalter.
26. The spiritual nature of your art is so evident... The world of angels and demons is real but the light overcomes. Lea Wilson.
27. All the children did a very good job. Hechlers.
28. Beautiful artwork and ceramics... very creative, imaginative and colourful! From a fellow artist in America. Graduate of Moore College of Art-Philadelphia, PA.
29. We are so impressed with and admire all the artwork. Keep expressing your talents to all the world to see.
30. Prekrasnya glaza - Beautiful to look at. Yakov Yovitch Murray, Springfield, PA.