The list of the exhibitions of the students' creative activity of "ECHO".
School 507.
1. The exhibition "Geometry and the Cosmos". January, 11 - April, 17.
Saint-Petersburg State Academic Kapella.
2. The exhibition "The music of winter". March, 10 - April, 14.
School 507.
3. The exhibition "The Earth and a man". April, 20 - June, 1.
Lyceum 366.
4. The exhibition "Geometry and the Cosmos". May - June.
5. The exhibition " The Earth and a man ". September - November.
Saint-Petersburg State Nursery Philharmonic Society.
6. The exhibition "The music of flowers". October - November.
7. The exhibition "The music of winter". December - February, 1994.
Lyceum 366.
8. The exhibition "The New Year's mood". December - February, 1994.
Saint-Petersburg State Nursery Philharmonic Society.
9. The exhibition " The music by Bach and Handel". March - April.
10. The exhibition "Listening to Rimsky-Korsakov". May - June.
Lyceum 366.
11. The exhibition "Folk stories of the world". March, 1 - May, 31.
The holiday of the Moscow district in the Victory Park.
12. The exhibition "Your children". June, 19.
The town of Kirov. The historical-ethnography club "The World".
13. The exhibition "Echo of child soul". July, 1- September, 10.
The Athletic- Concert Complex "Petersburg", Press-room of the Good Will Games.
14. The exhibition "The rhythms of sports". July, 20 - August, 8.
Lyceum 366.
15. The exhibition "The overcoming and the achievement". September, 1 - October, 18.
16. The exhibition "Flora and Fauna". October, 19 - December, 11.
The Library - branch #1
17. The exhibition "The music". August, 30 - September, 10.
Saint-Petersburg State Nursery Philharmonic Society.
18. The exhibition "The music of autumn". November, 10 - December, 22.
The Russian Ethnographic museum.
19. The exhibition "The songs of the Gamajun bird ". October, 6- 23.
Lyceum 366. The Polling-station of the State Duma elections.
20. The exhibition "Andrew - the first invited and Saint - Petersburg". December, 12 - 28.
21. The exhibition "The music of winter". December - February, 1995.
The State Academic Mariinskiy Theatre. January, 15 - June, 25:
22. The exhibition "The New Year's mood".
23. The exhibition "The event - Christmas ".
24. The exhibition "The music of winter".
25. The exhibition "Dreams".
26. The exhibition "The music of summer".
27. The exhibition "Requiem".
The State Nursery Philharmonic Society.
28. The exhibition "New Year's mood". January, 25 - February, 28.
29. The exhibition "Folk stories of the World". March, 15 - June, 25.
Lyceum 366.
30. The exhibition "The music of summer". March, 1 - May, 25.
The humanitarian centre for children "UNA".
31. The exhibition "The music of child soul". March, 25 - April, 2.
The exhibition hall of the Moscow district.
32. The exhibition "Requiem". May, 7 - 25.
The Saint-Petersburg Central Exhibition Hall "Maneg".
33. The exhibition "Requiem". May, 26 -29
The Palace of Youth creative activity.
34. The exhibition "The music of summer". August, 26 - 31.
Lyceum 366.
35. The exhibition "The music of child soul ". October - November.
The State Academic Mariinskiy Theatre.
36. The exhibition "The music of autumn". September, 10 - November, 27.
The State Theatre of the Young Spectators.
37. The exhibition "The music of summer". September, 15 - November, 20.
Saint - Petersburg Composers' house.
38. The exhibition "Listening to Rrimsky - Korsakov". September, 20 - November, 22.
39. The exhibition "The music by Bach and Handel". November, 23 - February, 11, 1996.
40. The exhibition "The music by Mozart, Prokofiev, Shostakovich. February, 12 - May,15.
The Gallery of the Fund of the Independent Modern Russian Art.
41. The exhibition "Innermost". October, 5 - November, 12.
The State Nursery Philharmonic Society.
42. The exhibition "Moods and imaginations". November, 20 - May, 30, 1996.
The State F.M. Dostoevsky's museum.
43. The exhibition "The songs of the Gamajun bird ". November, 25 - December, 30, 1995.
Lyceum 366.
44. The exhibition "The winter fairy tale". December - January, 1996ã.
"The Teahouse in Summer Garden"
45. The exhibition "Holiday of the Russian winter". December, 28 - January, 14.
The State Academic Mariinskiy Theatre.
46. The exhibition "Geometry and the Cosmos". January, 27 - June, 25.
The State F.M. Dostoevsky's museum.
47. The exhibition "The music of winter". February, 2 - 29.
48. The exhibition "Mindset showers" March, 5 - 23.
Lyceum 366.
49. The exhibition "The music of winter". February
50. The exhibition "The music of spring". March, 7 - May, 30.
The society of the spiritual culture.
51. The exhibition "Dreams". February, 9 - March, 15.
52. The exhibition "The songs of the Gamajun bird ". March, 16 - April, 10.
53. The exhibition "The event - Christmas". April, 11 - June, 15.
54. The exhibition "The music of summer". June, 16 - August, 30.
55. The exhibition "The music of autumn". September, 1- November, 1.
Lyceum 366.
56. The exhibition "The rhythms of sport". September - November.
The Large Hall of Saint - Petersburg State Philharmonic Society.
57. The exhibition "The music" September, 25 - November, 22.
The State Academic Mariinskiy Theatre.
58. The exhibition "The Music, Children, Rimsky-Korsakov". November, 14 - January, 15.
The Institute of the Cultural Initiatives, Saint - Petersburg branch of " Soros Trust".
59. The exhibition "The music of autumn". November, 20 -January, 14.
The city of Petrozavodsk, Republican art museum.
60. The exhibition "The music of the child soul ". December, 10 - January, 13, 1997.
Lyceum 366.
61. The exhibition "The New Year's mood". December - February, 1997.
Lyceum 366.
62. The exhibition "Spring mood". March - April.
The society of the spiritual culture
63. The exhibition "The music of child soul ". April, 2 - 27.
The higher pedagogical school #5.
64. The exhibition "The music of soul ". April, 7 - 21.
Lyceum 366.
65. The exhibition " What's the charm are these fairy tale ". April, 15 - May, 30.
The Hertzen pedagogical university.
66. The exhibition "Mindset showers". May, 5 - 25.
The central exhibition hall "Maneg".
67. The exhibition "Saint Petersburg - Symphony". May, 27 - 30.
The Humanitarian university of the trade union.
68. The exhibition "The moods". May, 10 - August, 10.
Lyceum 366.
69. The jubilee exhibition. September - December.
The exhibition hall of the Moscow district.
70. The 10 anniversary exhibition of studio "Echo". "Echo of the child soul ". September, 2 - 25.
The A. S. Pushkin' museum.
71. The exhibition " What's the charm are these fairy tale ". November, 20 - January, 31, 1998.
The city of Tallinn. The Gallery "T".
72. The exhibition "Mindset showers". December, 22 - January, 20, 1998.
The city of Petrozavodsk, the society of the spiritual rebirth.
73. The exhibition "My past, present and future". December, 10 - March, 30.
Lyceum 366.
74. The exhibition "The winter, beauty winter". December, 24 - February, 27.
The Saint-Petersburg Central Exhibition Hall "Maneg". "Christmas Dog Show - 98".
75. The exhibition " moods". January, 3 - 4.
Lyceum 366.
76. The exhibition "The spring, which is without the end and without the start…" February, 28 - May, 30.
The Anna Ahmatova's museum in Fountain house.
77. The exhibition "Assonance". March, 25 - April, 7.
The State Academic Mariinskiy Theatre.
78. The exhibition "Saint Petersburg - Symphony". April, 7 - 20.
79. The exhibition "Mariinskiy ballet". April, 29 - June, 20.
The scientific- methodical centre.
80. The exhibition "The song of the Gamayun bird " October, 10 - 20.
The School 663.
81. The exhibition "The music of autumn". October, 7 - 22.
The exhibition hall of the Moscow district.
82. The exhibition "The winter's brilliant carpet" dedicated to A.S. Pushkin's anniversary . January, 12 - 27.
Lyceum 366.
83. The exhibition "The stained - glass windows". January, 11 - February, 28.
The house of the culture.
84. The exhibition "Our labour to our distrikt". February, 9.
Gymnasium 80.
85. The exhibition "The poetry by Pushkin - the Music by Rimsky-Korsakov". March - April.
The N.K. Roerih's museum in Izvara.
86. The exhibition "Christmas". April - May.
The Franklin Mint museum, Philadelphia, USA.
87. The exhibition "Cherished. With love from Russia". April, 27 - June, 13.
Lyceum 366.
88. The exhibition "Soon summer". May, 11- June, 22.
The house of the culture.
89. The exhibition "My loved district ". May, 19.
The scientific- methodical centre.
90. The exhibition "Seasons". May - November.
Lyceum 366.
91. The exhibition "My loved district " September - October.
The Saint-Petersburg planetarium.
92. The exhibition "Geometry and the Cosmos". September, 17 - November, 20.
Lyceum 366.
93. The exhibition "Compositions after A.S. Pushkin's works".
The scientific- methodical centre.
94. The exhibition "New year's mood". December, 6 - February, 28.
The publishing house of children's and youthful literature "Lyceum".
95. The exhibition "Christmas vacation". December, 15 - January, 20, 2000.
Lyceum 366.
96. The exhibition "Winter patterns" December, 1 - February, 1, 2000.
The house of the international friendship.
97. The exhibition "Innermost assonance" dedicated to the A.Kurosava's anniversary. March 21-23.
The Saint-Petersburg actor's house.
98. The exhibition "Mindset showers" dedicated to the writer T.V. Petkevich's anniversary. March, 25.
Lyceum 366.
99. The exhibition "The music of child soul". February, 1 - May, 20.
Lyceum 366.
100. The exhibition "The music of summer". May, 20 - June 25.
The scientific- methodical centre.
101. The exhibition "My loved distrikt". May, 26 -June, 20.
Lyceum 366.
102. The exhibition "Folk stories of the world". September, 1 - October, 14.
103. The exhibition "Compositions after A.S. Pushkin's works". October, 15 - December, 15.
The scientific- methodical centre.
104. The exhibition "The music of child soul". October. 20 - November, 15.
The Centre of aesthetic medicine.
105. The exhibition "Creative activity of "ECHO". November, 15 - January, 1.
Lyceum 366.
106. The exhibition "The New Year's mood". December, 16- February, 28.
The scientific- methodical centre.
107. The exhibition "Christmas vacation". December, 24 - January, 24.
Lyceum 366.
108. The exhibition "Spring mindset". March, 7 - May, 15.
The scientific- methodical centre.
109. The exhibition "The music of spring". March, 22 - April, 15.
Lyceum 366.
110. The exhibition "The music of child soul". May, 16 -June, 25.
The scientific- methodical centre.
111. The exhibition " Compositions after A.S. Pushkin's works ". June, 6 - 22.
The society of the spiritual culture.
112. The exhibition "Mindset of the dreams" June, 26 - October, 2.
Lyceum 366.
113. The exhibition " Folk stories of the World ". September, 1 - October, 3.
The scientific- methodical centre.
114. The exhibition "The music of autumn". October, 7 - December, 27.
The exhibition hall of the Moscow district.
115. The exhibition "The searching for the rainbow". October, 5 - 19.
Lyceum 366.
116. The exhibition " Folk stories of the World " (the graphics). October, 4 - December, 1.
Lyceum 366.
117. The exhibition "The New Year's concerto". December, 12 - February, 28, 2002.
The scientific- methodical centre.
118. The exhibition "The music of winter". December, 28 - February, 28, 2002.
Lyceum 366.
119. The exhibition "The music of spring". March, 5 - June, 20.
The scientific- methodical centre.
120. The exhibition "The music of spring". March, 5 - June, 20.
The university of pedagogical skill.
121. The exhibition "Mindset soul". April, 6 - 22.
The cultural - exhibition centre "Evraziya", "Ecology and person".
122. The exhibition "Echo of child soul" April, 24 - 29.
The central children A.S. Pushkin's library.
123. The exhibition "A music and a dance". May, 24 - June, 24.
The International centre - N.K. Roerih's museum in Moscow. The anniversary exhibition.
124. The exhibition "Innermost assonance". June 1 - 30.
Lyceum 366.
125. The informational exhibition - "The ECHO studio is 10 years old". September, 1 - October, 18.
The administration of the Primorsky distrikt.
126. The exhibition "Music of child soul ". September, 17 - 29.
The exhibition hall of the Moscow district.
127. The exhibition dedicated to 10th anniversary of studio "Echo of Petersburg assonance". Sept., 17 - Oct., 17.
Lyceum 366.
128. The exhibition "Poetry by A.S.Pushkin". October, 18 - December, 20.
The scientific- methodical centre.
129. The exhibition dedicated to 10th studio. November, 20 - December, 24.
The scientific- methodical centre.
130. The exhibition " Folk stories of the World ". November, 20 - December, 24.
The scientific- methodical centre.
131. The exhibition "Listening to Rimsky-Korsakov". December, 24 - March, 17.
Lyceum 366.
132. The exhibition "The New Year's Concerto" December, 20 - January, 20.
Lyceum 366.
133. The exhibition " The graphic patterns ". January, 20 - April, 30.
Finland, Helsinki. The Centre of Art "Annantalo".
134. The exhibition "ECHO from Saint Petersburg" in honour of 300 anniversaries of Saint Petersburg.
January, 31 - February, 23.
Finland, Turku. The gallery of the cultural "Brinkhall".
135. The exhibition "ECHO from Saint Petersburg" in honour of 300 anniversaries Saint Petersburg. Feb., 28 - Mar, 23.
The university of pedagogical skill.
136. The exhibition "The holidays of the Russian winter". February, 5 - March, 14.
137. The exhibition "The music of spring". March, 15 - May, 20.
The E. Mravinsky's art school.
138. The exhibition "The music of child soul". March, 19 - 29.
The information - exhibition hall of North - Western.
139. The exhibition "Cosmos of the childhood". April, 3 -6.
Finland, Imatra. The city cultural centre "Imatra".
140. The exhibition "ECHO from Saint Petersburg" in honour of 300 anniversaries of Saint Petersburg. Mar, 28 - May, 5.
The exhibition hall of the Moscow district.
141. The exhibition "Dreams". April, 15 - June, 23.
Lyceum 366.
142. The exhibition "The beautiful City, the great City". April, 30 - May, 27.
Lyceum 366.
143. The exhibition "Soon summer". May, 27 - June, 23.
The Gallery of the Fund of independant Modern Russian Art.
144. The exhibition "Saint Petersburg-Symphony". May, 29 - July, 9.
Lyceum 366.
145. The exhibition " Saint Petersburg-Symphony". September, 1 - October, 29.
Lyceum 366.
146. The exhibition "Images of fantasies" October, 30 - December, 24.
Lyceum 366.
147. The exhibition "Happy New Year, Merry Christmas". December, 24 - March, 3.
The scientific- methodical centre.
148. The exhibition "Images of fantasies". December, 24 - March, 3, 2004.
The Fund of the artist M. Shemyakin.
149. The exhibition "New Year's Concerto". January, 8 - February, 20.
The scientific- methodical centre.
150. The exhibition "The music of winter". February, 4 -11.
Lyceum 366.
151. The exhibition " Images of women ". March, 4 - April, 28.
The scientific- methodical centre.
152. The exhibition "The music of flowers". March, 4 - May, 7.
The scientific- methodical centre.
153. The exhibition "The music of spring ". March, 4 - June, 20.
The Atheletic complex "JUBILEE"
154. The exhibition "ECHO of the Petersburg assonance". April, 16 - 19.
Lyceum 366.
155. The exhibition "Soon summer". April, 29 - June, 20.
Lyceum 366.
156. The exhibition "Ancient Egypt". August, 29 - October, 4.
Lyceum 366.
157. The exhibition of N.K. Roerih's reproduction.
The exhibition hall of the Moscow district.
158. The exhibition "Cosmos of the childhood" dedicated to Roerih's family. October, 19 - November, 2.
India. New Delhi.
159. The exhibition "Innermost assonance" in Neru Balt Samiti. November , 12 - 17.
India. Himalayas.
160. The exhibition " Innermost assonance" in International Rerih's Memorial Trust in Naggar. Nov., 21- June, 21, 2005.
India. New Delhi.
161. The Russian-Indian exhibition "Verve", ("Power of Creative activity". November, 22 - December, 20.
Lyceum 366.
162. The exhibition "The New Year's mood". December, 10 - February, 2, 2005.
The scientific- methodical centre. .
163. The exhibition "The New Year's mood". December, 20 - February, 2.
Lyceum 366.
164. The exhibition "Folk stories of the world". February, 3 - April, 13.
The Isachyov's Gallery.
165. The exhibition "Echo of the winter moods". February, 22 - March, 22.
Lyceum 366.
166. The exhibition "My past, present and future". April, 1 - June, 1.
Lyceum 366.
167. The exhibition "All good concluding in oneself". August, 30 - October, 27.
Lyceum 366.
168. The exhibition "The music". October, 27 - December, 26.
Lyceum 366.
169. "The New Year's exhibition" (the new exposition). December, 27 - March, 6.
2006 ã.
Lyceum 366.
170. The exhibition "The music of spring". March, 7 - April, 26.
The Nursery library îf Petrogradskii district.
171. The exhibition "Ceramics". March, 21 - April, 28.
Lyceum 366.
172. The exhibition "Still life and mood". (the new exposition)August, 30 - October, 18.
Lyceum 366.
173. The exhibition "The music of autumn". October, 19 - December,6.
Lyceum 366.
174. The exhibition "Tolerance" (the new exposition). December,7 - January, 31.
2007 ã.
Legislative Assembly St.-Petersburg, the Mariinsky palace.
175. The exhibition "ECHO from Saint Petersburg". January, 24 - February, 18.
Lyceum 366.
176. The exhibition "The New Year's exhibition" (the new exposition). December,1 - Mart, 7.
Lyceum 366.
177. The exhibition "Grace, Plasticity, Movement". Mart, 7 -June,22.
178. The exhibition - information The "Echo" studio is 15th years old. August, 25 - October, 18.
The Centre of the Aesthetic Education "Okhtinsky".
179. The exhibition "Saint Petersburg - Symphony" October, 2 - October, 5.
Lyceum 366.
180. The exhibition "Listening to Rimsky-Korsakov". October,19 - November,21.
The social centre of Moskovsky district
181. The exhibition "Our dearly loveds" (the new exposition) November,19 - December,15.
Lyceum 366.
182. The exhibition "Folk stories of the world". November,22 - December,19.
183. The exhibition "The music of winter". (the new exposition) December,20 - February,13.
2008 ã.
Lyceum 366.
184. The exhibition "The elements of Earth: WATER-SEA". (the new exposition) February,14 - March,5.
The scientific- methodical centre.
185. The exhibition "We are different, but we are together" March,4 - April, 23.
Lyceum 366.
186. The exhibition "Our dearly loveds" March,7 - April,23.
Lyceum 366.
187. The exhibition "The ceramic fancy" (the new exposition) April,24 - June,17.
The branch of The House of
Children's Creative.
188. The exhibition "The music of autumn". October,16 - November,20.
The branch of The House of Children's Creative.
189. The exhibition "The music of winter".November,20 - January,
Finland, Helsinki.Russian centre of science and culture.
190. The exhibition "Mindset of children's soul".December, 2 - December,25.
The branch of The House of Children's Creative.
191. The exhibition "The music of winter"(Graphics), February,18 - April, 1.
The branch of The House of Children's Creative.
192. The exhibition "The music of spring ".April,2 - May,21.
Oceanarium, the trading centre.
193. The exhibition "Echo" November,10 - December,10.
Kolpino educational reformatory for minors.
194. The exhibition "The New Year's mood".December,23 - January,19.
2010ã. 1993y. 1994y. 1995y. 1996y. 1997y. 1998y. 1999y. 2000y. 2001y. 2002y. 2003y. 2004y. 2005y. 2006y. 2007y. 2008y.
The Palace of Sport "Jubilee". Festival "Golden Age"
195. The exhibition "Dreams" March, 5.
International Festival of Monotype V in 2010. The Children’s Library of History and Culture of Saint-Petersburg (the 2nd branch of the Central City Children’s Library n.a. A.S.Pushkin).
196. The exhibition "To see eternity inctantly", March, 27 - April 16.
The list of the exhibitions, in which studio "ECHO" took part.
The State Russian Museum.
1. The exhibition "children's dreams". April, 16 - May, 31.
The State Russian Museum.
2. Russian-Canadian exhibition "Journey to the Bible's world ". April - July.
The State Theatre of the Young Spectator.
3. The exhibition dedicated to the Good Will Games. June - August.
Saint-Petersburg State Nursery Philharmonic Society.
4. Christmas festival of children creative activity. December, 24 - January, 8.
The Saint-Petersburg Central Exhibition Hall "Maneg", "Christmas carnival".
5. The exhibition "The New year's mood". January 7 - 10.
6. Museum of children creative activity, Atlanta, USA. July.
Saint-Petersburg State Nursery Philharmonic Society.
7. Christmas festival. December, 22 - January, 12.
The Artistic museum Belvew in Seattle, USA.
8. The exhibition of children creative activity "Once upon a time...". December, 14 - February, 9, 1997.
The cinema centre "Leningrad". The International festival of the Christmas films ".
9. The festival of children creative activity "Christmas in Petersburg". January, 2 - 12.
The city Olympiad of schoolchildren "Our Pushkin". Gymnasium 80. March - April.
10. The Winners of the nomination "What's the charm are these fairy tale".
Saint-Petersburg State Nursery Philharmonic Society.
11. Christmas festival of children creative activity. December, 24 - January, 10.
The cinema centre "Leningrad". The second International festival of the Christmas films ".
12. The festival of children creative activity "Christmas in Petersburg". December, 30 - January, 10.
The city Olympiad schoolchildren "Our Pushkin". Gymnasium 80.
13. The compositions "Poetry by Pushkin". March - April.
The Saint-Petersburg Central Exhibition Hall "Maneg"
14. The city exhibition "Young artist". April, 30 - May, 22
The tenth International music festival, Kolmar, France.
15. The children artistic exhibition "F.I. Shalyapin- a music- a theatre", on the V.T. Spivakov's invitation. July, 2 - 12.
The cinema centre "Leningrad". The third International festival of the Christmas films.
16. The festival of children artistic creative activity "Christmas in Petersburg". December, 29 - January, 11.
The city Olympiad schoolchildren "Our Pushkin". Gymnasium 80.
17. Compositions after Pushkin's works. March - April.
The N.K. Roerih's Museum in Izvara.
18. The holiday of the culture's day. April, 15 - May, 15.
The book club "Snark".
19. The exhibition "Ballet by the children eyes ". April, 27 - June, 2.
The Pushkin's theatrical centre.
20. The exhibition " Pushkin's anniversary ". May, 20 - June, 7.
The exhibition centre of the Artists' Union.
21. The city exhibition "Dedicated to Pushkin ". September, 7 - 22.
The cinema centre "Leningrad". The fourth International festival of the Christmas films.
22. The festival of children artistic creative activity "Christmas in Petersburg". December, 28 - January, 11.
The Pushkin's theatrical centre.
23. The exhibition "Children to Pushkin" April, 27 - June, 6.
The exhibition centre of the Artists' Union.
24. The city exhibition "Step to the 21st century. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow". September, 28 - October, 15.
The cinema centre "Leningrad". The fifth International festival of the Christmas films.
25. The festival of children artistic creative activity "Christmas in Petersburg". December, 28 - January, 10.
The "October" concert hall.
26. The fifth city festival of children amateur creative activity. April, 24.
The Saint-Petersburg Central Exhibition Hall "Maneg".
27. The third city exhibition "The city of childhood". May, 16 -20.
"The Mikhailov Maneg".
28. The city contest "Saint Petersburg by the eyes of the young petersburgans". May, 24 - 29.
The central children Pushkin's library.
29. The city exhibition "Children about Pushkin". June, 1 - 24.
The exhibition centre of the Artists' Union.
30. The city exhibition "My family". September, 28 - October, 15.
Moscow. The State Duma of the Russian Federation.
31. The action - the exhibition "Children against terrorism". October, 29 - November, 2.
Moscow. The Government House of the Russian Federation.
32. The exhibition "The new generation - the 21st century". December, 24 - January, 12, 2002.
The city Olympiad of schoolchildren "Our Pushkin". Gymnasium 80.
33. The compositions after Pushkin's works. March - May.
Moscow. The Central House of the Artists.
34. The Moscow international art gallery. March, 15 - 24.
35.The exhibition "The music and the paints". April.
The "October" concert hall.
36. The sixth festival of children amateur creative activity. April, 26.
The exhibition centre of the Artists' Union.
37. The city exhibition "Petersburg is in creative activity of the children". October, 11 - November, 3.
Moscow. The concert hall "Russia"
38. The exhibition "Russia in "Russia". The constellation of the future" December, 26.
The "October" concert hall.
39. The seventh festival of children amateur creative activity. May, 6.
Museum of means of communication.
40. The eighth festival of children amateur creative activity. April, 14.
The International centre - N.K. Roerih's museum in Moscow.
41. The international exhibition "The joy of reflection". June, 1 - 30.
Artistic-industrial Academy. Forum "Art City".
42. The international contest of the children drawing. December, 19.
Museum of means of communication.
43. The ninth festival of children amateur creative activity. March, 30 - 31.
The exhibition hall of the Moscow district.
44. The city exhibition "We are different, but we are together" November,16 - November, 27.
Museum of means of communication.
45. The tenth festival of children amateur creation. March, 28 - 30..
The exhibition centre of the Artists' Union.
46.The city exhibition "Nursery symphony" September, 12 - 24.
The exhibition hall
of the Russia Artists' Union.
47.The exhibition "The Russian patterns".December, 22 - January,14.
The exhibition Hall of MUSEUM OF ST-PETERSBURG AGUAWORLD of State Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal of St.Petersburg".
48. The city exhibition "The WORLD of CHILDHOOD". December - January.
The House of youth of St.Petersburg.
49. The tenth festival of children amateur creation. March, 28 - 30.
Moscow. The Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation.
50. IV the International Festival. "Moscow meet friends".May, 26 - June,6.
The House of youth of St.Petersburg.
51. The twelfth festival of children amateur creation. March, 17 - 20.