This site exists due only to unselfish help of its creator
who didn't wish his name to be called by us.
We express our deep gratitude to this person!
Such people are those by whom the world stands!
Not everybody has wallowed in unrestrained pursuit for gain and bait!
Not every soul has got covered with shell of indifference to its own and world's
sacred essence!
Not everybody in difficult vanity of temporary being has lost the feeling
of infinite beauty and subtlety of the universe!
Our job is our own cause, our choice - without complaining about tiny wages
and gravity of this load on ourselves, but when
some "outside" person, with his own worries and life troubles
not less important than everybody else's, suddenly seeks to help
and does it requiring nothing for himself in return, - these are dear
this is not "star" ostentation of TV ratings,
this is not hypocritical chatter of high functionary
who offers flooded basement with floating feces, without windows
and with huge rusty tubes for children's painting studio,
this is not unctuously lofty words about eternal spoken by
preacher - money-grabber, this is not…
This is BUDDHA'S eyes, this is CHRIST'S heart, this is CALL of Allah's prophet!
This is Holy RUSSIA, this is our NATIONAL IDEA!
This is UNDERSTANDING - how talented our children are!
This is look from the FUTURE where we all are marching! Thanks a lot!
There's few of such people, but so many of them!
We'll call them all who helped in any way to
not "prestigious" institution,
but tiny school circle - school-studio "ECHO".
Vitaly Tsiliakus and Eugenia Tarantul.
From a letter to a friend:
With all my might I'm making now the pictures of our works by exhibitions themes.
Some of them are in such a state that one piece takes me 2-3 hours.
But I hope very much that people would visit our site and feel glad that there are
things like these. And it means that I don't waste myself and my irretrievable time.
And people would remember their childhood when everything was pure and shrilly fresh
and clean, and they would think that we all are such children inside ourselves in
essence, that only in vanity we forgot our native land of infinite beauty where music is
heard grandiose in its tenderness. And they would guess suddenly that they are
themselves this tremendous music and gorgeous creative thought!
And their fears are like fright of a baby awaken in the dark room.
About website's design
The design of Russian version of our site, its image system and mechanism in use are made entirely by inspirer and creator if the site. He decided to use photo made by him and the work of 7-years-old student-girl in united composition for IMAGE presentation of this page. Little developing child who sits on the thin edge - dividing line in space and time - it is the image of human being and of our world - fragile and unsteady, naive and cruel in its ignorance, in the chasm of endless Universe were we all are children - wonderful in our pure potential which unfortunately so little number of us are able to realize partly at least.
And our task is to introduce little people who come to our studio to pure side of their souls and their wonderful possibilities. And multicoloured birds in this composition beside the girl - these are good feelings and thoughts sent to everyone who is capable to perceive them from the pages of our site.
Since 2004 it is Boris Tsiliacus who takes the trouble of further replenishing and developing of our site. He is the author of the entrance cover, and new "colour" version of the site in whole, and the English variant, as well as of new guest-book and etc. We decided to use colour more actively and to resort to the symbol of our work - moving spiral torus of different colours on the background of the stellar Universe. And to make the line of life more pulsatory.
We express our sincere gratitude to him, for his good and timely work, and wish him any success, including in the design field.
Being a new-comer in I-net and sheer profane in web-design, I visited more than one hundred sites with great interest and, not appealing to their content, was surprised by rather stereotyped flat design of the most number of them. And then I began dreaming about some other, more three-dimensional decision, which would represent image space surrender for children's spiritual painting. In my researches on this theme I was seriously supported, with definite stipulations, by S.Pavlov and my son. So I hope that this glorious day will come when the possibility to create this OTHER will appear, and preference will be given not to clear pragmatics of flat plate, but to dynamically working space image.
We would like to thank Marina Figurina, Amelia Rowett and Lucy Tickell, who helped us with the translation the text about studio into English!
We express special gratitude to Olga Korchagina for the translation the basic texts of website!
V. Tsiliakus.